Dustin Browder passe le relais à Alan Dabiri


 | 08  dez. 16  à 20:38

Dustin Browder

Dustin Browder, le directeur de jeu de Heroes of the Storm, vient d’annoncer qu’il passe officiellement le relais à Alan Dabiri, jusqu’à présent directeur technique et que nous avions déjà mentionné lors de la dernière Blizzcon.

Dustin reste chez Blizzard mais part sur de nouveaux projets. Néanmoins il continuera de participer à Heroes, de plus loin. Nous sommes confiants que Heroes est en de bonnes mains avec Alan Dabiri qui est un ancien et dévoué membre de Blizzard depuis plus de 20 ans (Warcraft, Starcraft, Broodwar, Warcraft III, WoW, Starcraft II), au coeur de Heroes depuis son démarrage et suit aussi de très près la communauté (NDLR : à quand sur twitter ? 😉 ).

Mais Dustin est un personnage unique par son humour et sa dévotion et il nous manquera certainement ! Quel sera son nouveau projet ? C’est la aussi une autre nouvelle excitante à suivre. GG Dustin et merci pour ces fantastiques jeux que sont Starcraft 2 et Heroes of the Storm !

Et bonne chance à Alan à la tête de Heroes !

BlizzCon 2016  - Etat du jeu

Voici le message écrit par Dustin pour annoncer ce changement.


Working at Blizzard is the coolest. Our leaders support us in making the most awesome games I have ever played. We are encouraged to take the time we need to make them awesome, and then to keep improving them for years after they go live. We sometimes get exciting chances to work on other projects, too. I’m going to take one of those chances to try something new at Blizzard.

This was not an easy choice to make. I still play Heroes five nights a week, and sitting in the bullpen surrounded by this team has been the most intensely creative experience of my career. But one thing that’s making this decision easier is knowing the future of Heroes is in the right hands.

Over the last few months, I have been transitioning my responsibilities to Alan Dabiri, a 20-year Blizzard veteran and a fellow Heroes of the Storm fanatic. In fact, since StarCraft entered the Nexus in September, the Heroes team has been releasing some of our best content to date all without my daily involvement and I’ve been thoroughly blown away with what they have delivered. For those who haven’t seen him on BlizzCon panels or doing interviews, Alan has had a hand in nearly every aspect of Heroes since the beginning, both in his role as our technical director and as part of the team’s collaborative development process. Alan is also a passionate member of the community, and he’s always in touch with what’s happening on Reddit, in our forums, and wherever you’re talking about Heroes. He’s been relentlessly working to make Heroes better for years, and I’m excited that he’ll be continuing to push the game forward as game director.

The Heroes of the Storm team is one of the best game teams I have ever had the honor of serving on. I cannot believe how much work and love went into turning what started as a tiny mod into the epic experience that it has become today. And the team just continues to pour their passion, dedication, and expertise into patches, updates, and awesome new game features. 2017 is going to be a huge year for Heroes of the Storm, with new Heroes, Battlegrounds, a massive progression update, improvements to our ladder and matchmaking systems, new social systems, new Brawls, and more.

I would like to say a special “Thank You” to everyone in the Heroes community who continues to support us and challenge us to make Heroes better, including everyone who has shared feedback with us on our forums, Reddit, esports sites, and strategy sites, and anyone who has ever sent me a Tweet. You’re the best, and your dedication and passion has made being part of the Heroes community and working on this game a blast.

While my day-to-day responsibilities might take me away from working on Heroes, I can guarantee I’ll always be watching Heroes esports, cheering on Alan and the dev team, and geeking out about the game. And if you’re looking for me, you can find me playing Ranged Assassin or Support in the Nexus.

– Dustin Browder

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