Nouveautés vues à la Gamescom’17


 | 22  ago. 17  à 20:04

Durant la Gamescom’17 et en plus de l’arrivée de Kel’Thuzad (talents, capacités et modèles, vidéo), de nombreuses nouveautés ont fait leur apparition. Une liste a été recensée sur reddit et en attendant le patch notes officiel nous reprendrons ici l’essentiel, avec du très lourd du côté des reworks !


  • Rework Lt. Morales qui voit tout bonnement sa mana disparaître !! Lt. Morales aura 100 points d’énergie. Après 3 secondes sans avoir utilisé son soin (A), elle regénère 6 points d’énergie par seconde. Utiliser le soin (A) consomme l’énergie à un taux de 6 points par seconde.
  • Rework Jaina avec le bloc de glace (auparavant niveau 20) à présent en récompense dans son trait après avoir infligé 15.000 points de dégâts critiques (liés à son trait) ! Beaucoup d’autres changements sur les talents.
  • Rework Chromie dont la quête sur sa capacité Souffle de Sable (A) fera partie du kit de base. Nombreux changements sur les talents.
  • Rework Léoric. Nombreux changements sur les talents.
  • Equilibrages pour Auriel, Le Boucher, Garrosh, Lucio. Des rumeurs concernant Tyrael.


La progression des quêtes est maintenant affichée plus clairement dans une colonne à part :

(image de mauvaise qualité – provient d’une vidéo)

Les “kill feed” affichent les portraits en cercle, l’achèvement des quêtes et les quêtes adverses interrompues.


Des modèles “Dreadlord Jaina” et “Post Theramore Jaina” font leur apparition.


Il y aura une quête liée à Kel’Thuzad : jouer 1 partie (par jour ?) avec Kel’Thuzad. Nous ne connaissons pas encore la récompense.


Voici le post de référence sur reddit recensant les changements :

MEGATHREAD: GamesCom ’17 Heroes of the Storm Changes[reddit]

Event Quest!

Information not complete Play 1 game with Kel’thuzad present in the game in Vs AI, QM, UD, HL. Reward: Portrait? /u/PheonyXtreme




“Finally, the Call of Kel’Thuzad event will bring with it a bunch of new sprays and icons, as well as a banner of Naxxramas. You earn them through daily quests, requiring kills by either team in any game with Kel’Thuzad… ”

Naxxramas Banner: /u/zaze41


Kel’thuzad Announcer Pack! (MFPallyTime)

Jaina Announcer Pack! (Kendric)

#User Interface!

Talent Screen

  • Scoreboard now shows quest progress for baseline quests (Kel’thuzad; Nazeebo; The Butcher, to name a few): Courtesy of /u/zaze41 from the MFPallyTime stream.

  • Kill feed shows portraits in circles now.

  • Kill feed now also shows quest completion!

  • Kill feed now also shows denied stacking quests (Convection, Untouchable, Wizened Duelist, …)

  • Special Icon in Death Timer (party frame) for KT resurrect (unconfirmed for Uther; Malthael) /u/Ultrajante

Hero #Changes

#Small changes to current heroes

Farmed from the Blizz website by /u/Homicidal_HotS:

Including Auriel, The Butcher, Uther, Garrosh, Lucio.

Updated visual effects for Nazeebo’s Corpse Spiders and Morales’ Grenade


  • Baseline Q quest, per hit, permanent +5 damage. On 80 hits, Past and Future Me becomes active. (where you shoot a lower damage Q from past position)

  • Q damage reduced to roughly 60% (/u/m05513)

  • Has a stack counter (how many Qs hit in a row), which adds a bonus stack to the damage stack. (so the consecutive ones gives +10 instead of +5)

  • Level 1 talents: Q quest removed; Hitting 3 Q in a row, they give triple bonus damage increase.

  • Level 4 talents: Q pierce removed. New E talent: When Time Trap is activated, reset Q and W cooldowns.

  • Level 13 talents: Reaching Through Time (Range) Removed. 30s CD activated: Swap location with Sand Clone (Q baseline quest). Steph mentions that you can B back to base and get full health/mana, and instant teleport back to the battlefield

  • Level 20 talents: Piercing Sands (Infinite through heroes, but no quest procs for pierces), Temporal Loop upgrade “after finishing, cast agaain immediatly”.

Source: /u/StephOddish/


  • Blizzard CD Reduced from 15 to 14.

  • Ice Block Baseline: Upon dealing 15.000 critical damage (trait), gain Ice Block. 40s CD

  • Level 1: Deep Chill removed. New Globe Quest: Fingers of Frost *(+.1 mana regen per globe, up to 20 stacks, at 20, increase damage bonus from trait by 10%)

  • Level 7 talents: Frostbitten Removed. Icefury Wand (AA’s deal 75% Bonus Damage to Chilled Targets). Reduced Blizzard CD by 1 second per AA.

  • Level 10 talents: Water Elemental Mana and CD from 75 to 60, and 80 to 60 respectively.

  • Level 20 Talents: Bolt of the Storm (Ice Blink) + AOE Chill application (Probably like Psionic Shift for Kerrigan). Deep Chill (slow stacks). Ring of Frost upgrade reduces CD by 10s per hero hit by the center explosion.


Battlenet Description:

Full talent list (/u/Spazzo965):

Gameplay Video:


  • Q CD up to 14, half the CD and mana refunded when hitting a hero (/u/Homicidal_HotS)

  • W baseline absorbs 20% health (down from 25%)

  • Every first and second auto attack cleave, the third hits for double damage without cleave. This matches Leoric’s AA animation!

  • Level 1 talents: Healing Tier Consume Vitality (Q CDR of 2 seconds, heal for 4% max health per enemy hero hit). Fealty Unto Death (Gain Health/Mana when minions die), Ossein Renewal (Heal 20% max health over 4 seconds). No Block!

  • Level 4 talents: Swing Tier Ghastly Reach (Range), Paralyzing Rage (Slow), Kneel, Peasants (75% increase Q PvE damage)

  • Level 7 talents: Spooky Hand Tier Willing Vessel (increased healing by 5%, and an additional 5% for fuill duration), Drain Momentum (upon completion, gain +30% movespeed for 4 seconds) Hopelessness (Increased range)

  • Level 10 Entomb CD from 50 to 70, CD down from 80 to 50 (/u/Ignisami), damage per swing up from 400 to 548 (at 20) and healing up from 7% max health to 12% max health /u/m05513.

  • Level 13 talents: Unyielding despair (W CDR), Hardened Bones (Gain Armor during W and 3 seconds thereafter) Ominous Wraith (E duration +100. Wraithing through enemy heroes reduces their damage by 50% for 4 seconds insaneee)

  • Level 16 talents: Royal Focus (next Q deals +50% damage. Hitting heroes reduces CD of E by 7 seconds). Crushing Hope (if W lasts full duration, deal 15% max health damage to target. Does not heal). Mithril Mace (increases attack speed 20% + 3% per 10 minion kills or 1 hero kill, capping at 50% total)

  • Level 20 talents: 5 talents on the Storm Tier Burning Despair deals 175% damage of Burning Rage. AOE and damage double whe W is active. Spectral Leech deals 2.5 max HP damage, heals leoric for double. Entomb now silences caught heroes. Activatable replacement for Hardened Shield: Shroud of the Dead King (Gain Protected for 3 seconds).

Noteworthy The first tiers all affect the same.

#LT. Morales

  • Mana removed. Morales has 100 energy, after 3 seconds of not using q, morales will regenerate 6 energy per second, using q depletes energy at a rate of 6 per second. /u/amitlevi45

  • Healing (Q) now works with a rapidly depleting and regenerating energy bar.

  • Safeguard and Grenade are CD based.

  • Baseline: Caduceus Reactor (Trait) returns 2% max health/second to Morales when channeling Q.

  • Level 1 talents: Life Support (Each time W reduces damage, gain 2 energy (cap at 20)). Caduceus Feedback (AAs gain 1 energy, + 4 against heroes)

  • Level 7 talents: Cleanse Removed. Vanadium Plating (+25 armor on W, being stunned extends duration on W). Physical Therapy (W removes all slows from target. If W removes a slow, 4s CDR).

  • Level 13 talents: Second Opinion (if Grenade hits at least 2 heroes, cooldown set to 1s) EMP Grenade (deals 666 damage (lv 13) to shields, and additional 67 over 2 seconds).

  • Level 16 talents: Extended Care (Q range increased 40%), First Responder (Q healing +25% if above 70 energy), Shield Sequencer (W gains 2nd charge)

  • Level 20 Upgrade that changes her passive (afaik, increases healing during Q from 2 to 6% of max health) Medivac has 2 upgrade options. One gives Protected status for 2 seconds upon exiting Medivac. The other creates a ‘check in’ point at the Hall of the Storms in case you are where your teammates aren’t. /u/Ultrajante


Some rumors regarding changes to this hero; MFPallyTime and Kendrick can’t find any of them.

Credit to /u/Spazzo965, /u/Ultrajante, /u/Homicidal_HotS, /u/m05513 and a lot of others for helping me with a these changes :)!

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