Patch notes : équilibrage du 2 juin


 | 01  jun. 16  à 20:09

Psionic Storm Équilibrage

Cette semaine le patch d’équilibrage sera entièrement dédié à Chromie, parmi les changements on retrouve une augmentation de ses points de vie (et de la régen), une augmentation des dégâts ainsi qu’une réduction du temps de recharge de ses capacités de base : Souffle de sable et Dragon de sable. En espérant que ces changements aident la Gardienne du temps à s’approcher d’un win rate potable.

Le patch sortira probablement cette nuit. En attendant, voici tous les changements apportés par ce patch (l’article sera mis à jour lorsque la version Française sera disponible) :

Upcoming Balance Update Notes — June 2, 2016

We’re about to release a new patch for Heroes of the Storm in order to apply a few balance changes. Check out the patch notes below.




  • Health increased from 1128 (+4% per level) to 1260 (+4% per level)
  • Health Regeneration increased from 2.4296 (+4% per level) to 2.625 (+4% per level)

Basic Abilities

  • Sand Blast (Q)
    • Damage increased from 390 (+4% per level) to 400 (+4% per level)
    • Cooldown reduced from 3 to 2.5 seconds
  • Dragon’s Breath (W)
    • Damage increased from 440 (+4% per level) to 480 (+4% per level)
    • Cooldown reduced from 14 to 12 seconds


  • Level 6
    • Mobius Loop (W)
      • Cooldown reduction decreased from 50% to 40%
    • Chrono Sickness (E)
      • Slow increased from 40% to 50%
  • Level 15
    • Shifting Sands (Q)
      • Ability Power bonus per enemy hit reduced from 10% to 8%
      • Ability Power bonus cap reduced from 50% to 40%
    • Fast Forward (Q)
      • Sand Blast cooldown after hitting from long range reduced from 1 to .75 seconds
    • Quantum Overdrive (Active)
      • Ability Power bonus reduced from 25% to 20%

Developer Comments:  A Hero like Chromie is one that we would expect to come out with a lower than normal win rate.  She has many counters, has a high skill floor, and requires her teammates to play around her poke style.  Even anticipating the gradual increase in effectiveness as people figure her out, we think that she has room for buffs.

Chromie is the type of Hero who has high damage potential (and man, when she hits those home runs they’re a sight to behold), but is also very inconsistent.  She’ll always be that way to a degree, which is by design.  We’re attempting to buff her damage throughput to offset this inability to pick her targets, without making her “one shot” potential any scarier than it is.

We’ve increased her Health slightly as well so that she is a little more resistant to incidental damage.  If enemies find a way to close the gap and focus her down, her still relatively low Health and lack of escapes will allow teams to eliminate our terrifying gnome-dragon, as they should.

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