Kybernetischer Ninja
KEEP IN MIND this build if only for use against teams with allot of AOE and fast attacks
Iv used this build to success many times. It uses its level one for mobility to engage. meaning you can save your E for escape. This is only used this way for the big blow which you can only pull off once per match unless the enemy team is very special.
Until the big finale use E like normal as an engage to kill ppl fast.
Chose between talent paths: The main path shown is the back up path if the enemy doesn't focus you. I mean ever. if they do try to AOE you and burst you down take the second talent path which will allow you to use the big finale to win the final fight when its win or lose time.
The Big Finale: If all else goes well you are now in a position where my dumb Strat could swing the game to an easy win for you. Make sure any counters like taunt and click on stuns are down. (If they got click on stuns you shouldn't have gone this build) Use you're agility from mount to get in deep in the enemy team. With any luck they might think you missed the E if not no matter the just know you have an escape available. start throwing shuriken's till you see them go to CC you. You must be quick to follow up with you're R so the CC misses. This draws a big X kill me here. You want them to go for the bait. Deflect you're heart out and watch them cut them self's down. If you do well enough you might be able to finish the work yourself or you're team can mop up for you.