Modifications du matchmaking en mode partie rapide


 | 17  Juli 15  à 09:33

Psionic Storm Correctifs

Il y a quelques semaine Blizzard nous parlait des changements à venir au niveau du matchmaking pour les parties classées, cette fois-ci cela concerne les parties rapides. Spyrian a annoncé sur les forums américains que Blizzard avait déployé un correctif incluant une nouvelle règle afin d’équilibrer un peu plus les parties, à partir de maintenant le jeu prendra en compte le nombre de parties jouées + le MMR.

C’est plutôt une bonne nouvelle car si vous aviez joué 500 parties il arrivait de tomber avec une personne qui en avait joué 5, ce qui n’est pas optimal il faut l’avouer.

Spyrian via les forums américains

Since our previous blog on matchmaking was released, we’ve seen an increase in the amount of feedback stating that veteran and new players are being matched together. This can result in friction within the team as new players struggle to keep up with their more experienced teammates and opponents. While we’re excited to see so many new players entering the Nexus, we also want to reduce the likelihood that players with widely differing levels of experience will be matched in the same game.

To help address this, we’ve created an additional rule for matchmaking in Quick Match that will take each player’s total number of Quick Match games played into account when creating teams. This rule has already been implemented, and we expect that you, your allies, and even your opponents, will now be matched more closely in terms of Quick Match experience.

The new rule will not prevent all instances in which new players can be matched with veterans. As an example, this can still occur when a party’s members have mixed levels of Heroes of the Storm experience. Additionally, this change may result in increased Quick Match queue times as the matchmaker searches for players with a similar number of games played to your own.

While this change for Quick Match does not address all of the Heroes community’s concerns about matchmaking, we are still listening to your feedback, monitoring internal data, and continuing to work on further improvements. For now, we’d like to encourage you to play a few Quick Match games, and then head back here to the forums to let us know how it went.

Thank you very much!

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