Patches notes PTR : mise à jour du 05 septembre 2023


 | 09  Sept. 23  à 14:01

Non non, vous ne rêvez pas ! Blizzard vient de déployer un patch de correctifs sur le PTR ! Pas d’équilibrage au menu mais beaucoup, beaucoup de bugs corrigés dans cette livraison. Comme quoi, il y a encore quelques développeurs qui y ont passé du temps et le déploient d’abord sur le PTR pour réduire les risques de régression sur les serveurs de jeu.

Des équilibrages seraient bienvenus pour donner un peu de fraîcheur au jeu qui tourne toujours bien techniquement parlant. Tant qu’il y a de la vie, il y a de l’espoir. De notre côté, Psionic Storm continue de tourner et ce depuis 2015, il y a 8 ans !

Le patch notes n’est disponible qu’en anglais :

Heroes of the Storm Hotfix PTR Patch Notes — September 5, 2023 [Blizzard]
Heroes of the Storm Hotfix PTR Patch Notes — September 5, 2023

NOTE: Orange text indicates additional bug fixes released on September 6 and 7, PDT.

We are happy to announce our next Heroes of the Storm patch has just hit the Public Test Realm which is mainly centered around multiple bug fixes that were reported by the community. We want to also extend our gratitude to our dedicated community in helping test, report and provide feedback for all these bug fixes.

Bug Fixes


  • Abathur
    • Fixed an issue that prevented the Monstrositty from using the Force Move command.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Ultimate Evolutions of Lost Vikings talents when cloning a Viking who had selected select talents.
  • Alexstrasza
    • Fixed an issue that caused Flames of Fury to not reduce the amount of Mana gained from hitting an ignited enemy with Flame Buffet.
    • Fixed an issue that Dragon Scales could be refreshed when requirements were met while the buff was still up.
  • Anduin
    • Fixed an issue that caused Speed of the Pious to not grant cooldown reduction when bringing an allied Hero to full health with Divine Star.
  • Blaze
    • Fixed an issue that caused the Bunker to be destroyed by the Punisher on Infernal Shrines in a single hit.
    • Fixed an issue where Blaze’s Ignited Oil Spill was not affected by any forms of damage modification when not ignited directly by Blaze.
  • Cho
    • Fixed an issue that caused Cho’s radius to be increased after casting Surging Fist.
  • Chromie
    • Fixed an issue that caused Temporal Loop to permanently reveal the target when used in certain conditions.
    • Chromie may no longer attempt to place a Time Trap in locations it cannot be placed.
  • Deathwing
    • Fixed an issue where Gaze Onto Destruction reduced the damage of non Heroes.
  • D.Va
    • Fixed an issue that allowed Self-Destruct to be activated while D.Va’s Mech was disabled by taking enough damage to eject D.Va if her Boosters were active.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Liquid Cooling to not apply properly if Call Mech was used shortly after activating Self-Destruct.
    • Fixed an issue that allowed Defense Matrix to push targets not intended to be pushable if Diverting Power was selected.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Diverting Power to not increase D.Va’s Self Healing when it restores Health to the Mech.
  • Hogger
    • Fixed an issue that allowed Hogger to use his Dance without incurring movement restrictions.
  • Imperius
    • Fixed an issue where Molten Armor dealt inconsistent damage.
  • Li Li
    • Fixed an issue where Blessings of Yu’lon reduced the healing of Cloud Serpent.
    • Fixed an issue where Mistweaver healed Li Li for the incorrect amount.
    • Fixed issues with interactions between Blessings of Yu’lon, Cloud Serpent, and multiple Li Li heroes.
    • Fixed issues with Li Li’s Cloud Serpent Healing Score and floating text.
    • Fixed an issue where the healing dealt by Blessings of Yu’lon would be incorrect if Li Li did not cast Cloud Serpent on herself.
    • Fixed an issue where Blessings of Yu’lon increased Li Li’s healing even if they do not have the talent.
    • Fixed an issue where Wind Serpent increased Li Li’s speed even if they do not have the talent.
  • Malganis
    • Fixed an issue where Blind as a Bat changed the cooldown and mana cost of Fel Claws.
  • Mei
    • Fixed an issue where the Skating Away talent did not give 50 armor to nearby non Heroes.
    • Fixed an issue where The Big One only gained 50% increased damage from Slushball.
  • Orphea
    • Fixed an issue that allowed Orphea to have her Shadow Waltz be fired at an enemy without aiming in their direction.
  • Samuro
    • Fixed an issue that allowed Samuro to activate Image Transmission on a Mirror Image directly after his Hearthstone activates.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Samuro to lose the benefits of the Deflection talent if Three-Blade Style is selected while any Mirror Images are active.
  • Sylvanas
    • Fixed issues with Withering Fire’s projectile missile.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Black Arrows to apply from Basic Attacks prior to the damage being dealt, increasing the damage from the attack that applies the third stack of Black Arrows by 25%.
    • Fixed an isue that caused Black Arrows to apply from Basic Attacks prior to Lost Soul checking for stacks, causing the attack that applies the third stack of Black Arrows to grant cooldown reduction.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Black Arrows to apply from Basic Attacks prior to Remorseles checking for stacks, causing the attack that applies the third stack of Black Arrows to activate Remorseless.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Black Arrows to apply from Basic Attacks prior to Overwhelming Affliction checking for stacks, allowing the attack that applies the third stack of Black Arrows to slow the target, and then deal percent damage in that same attack if the target was able to be slowed, but was not slowed prior to the attack.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Remorseless to apply Black Arrows prior to the damage being dealt, increasing the damage dealt by 25% if the target had two stacks prior to the damage being dealt.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Withering Fire to apply Black Arrows(when the Withering Barrage talent is selected) prior to the damage being dealt, increasing the damage dealt by 25% if the target had two stacks of Black Arrows prior to the damage being dealt.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Haunting Wave to apply Black Arrows(when the Festering Wounds talent is selected) prior to the damage being dealt, increasing the damage by 25% if the target did not have three stacks of Black Arrows prior to the damage being dealt.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the impacting damage from Shadow Dagger to grant Unfurling Shadows quest progress prior to the damage being dealt, increasing the damage dealt by 0.5%.
  • The Lost Vikings
    • Fixed an issue that prevented the Longboat Raid from using the Force Move command.
  • Tychus
    • Fixed an issue where Tychus will show an uknown ability in the damage screen.
  • Tyrael
    • Fixed an issue where Archangel Wrath applied damage reduction to non Heroes.
  • Zeratul
    • Fixed an issue that caused Singularity Spike when cast from Might of the Nerazim to act as a non-Might of the Nerazim Singularity Spike.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Robin Woodland Guardian Mount from being usable.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Tangerine Woodland Guardian Mount from being usable.
  • Fixed several abilities that were not disabled when activating Toy Train.
  • Fixed several abilities that were not disabled while mounted.


  • Reduced the chance of everyone being forced to select the same Hero from 5% to 2%.

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