A Probius OTP's Build Guide. By: Profaned/Wheatley

By  11/02/2022129300


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Build 1 / 2 : A Probius OTP's Build Guide. By: Profaned/Wheatley
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[E/W 7] Main Difference Between The Two Builds
Rift ShockRift Shock   Preferred for higher siege/burst oriented games.
Tower DefenseTower Defense   Is great when team fights are predicted to go on for long. The build feels like a must against some characters who will try to target gank you, with the possibility of stealth, Zeratul being the most popular. (See if Zeratul goes [Darkness Descends 4] for your own Lvl 4 selection.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[Lvl 1 Talent Selection]
Echo PulseEcho Pulse Is a must take talent, and a real winner of the latest patch; Now gives 100% return trip damage. Improves your combo possibilities, dps, poke, and gives CDR on Photon CannonPhoton Cannon [E7 Build] if taken, so it highly valuable for both builds.

Gather MineralsGather Minerals Slows down your early game significantly, and in a risky way, so I do not recommend.
[Lvl 4 Talent Selection]
Shield CapacitorShield Capacitor against extremely low spell damage comps, Photon BarrierPhoton Barrier against almost everything. Turbo ChargedTurbo Charged  has some potential, I've taken it mostly on hanamura to get between the two lanes if the enemy leaves an opening for high siege, and my team can stall a payload, but the talent will also give some benefits for dodging skill shots in team fights under pylons. (quite niche overall)
[Lvl 10 Talent Selection]
Pylon OverchargePylon Overcharge Has been my main choice due to pylon invincibility allowing probe's setup to have a consistently higher staying power, eliminate the worry of pylons being popped early and leading to Mana problems even if it's rare, give allies a higher chance to be within 2 pylons for Shield BatteryShield Battery synergy, give access to Construct Additional PylonsConstruct Additional Pylons later for potential 3x shield battery value, all while applying a fair amount of damage in a large area.
Null GateNull Gate however can bring fight winning CC and combo follow-up, dominate narrow choke points, and threaten self rooting heroes who make positional errors
[Lvl 13 Talent Selection]
Shield BatteryShield Battery for most games.
Aggressive MatrixAggressive Matrix   for bloodlust or high AA ally comps, and also on BoE for giving an ally a significant race bonus.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[Lvl 16 Talent Selection]
InterferenceInterference   might have some utility against double mage, bringing a backup mosh cancel, and against some gankers who target you, but Spell armor 4 and shield battery tend to already deal with that type of threat well enough, and the knockback can potentially disrupt allies, so for that reason:
Quantum EntanglementQuantum Entanglement is my pick for 99% of games.
[Lvl 20 Talent Selection]
Construct Additional PylonsConstruct Additional Pylons synergizes with Shield BatteryShield Battery and provides a significant Pylon OverchargePylon Overcharge  damage boost.
Probius LoopProbius Loop   can be the better pick for very fast team fights where your tank might not be able to last for long, and where there are many choke points.

Altri builds perProbius


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