Matchmaking : une nouvelle règle pour les joueurs Rang 1


 | 03  feb 16  à 21:08

Psionic Storm Matchmaking

Blizzard vient d’introduire une nouvelle règle dans son système de matchmaking concernant les joueurs Rang 1. À partir de maintenant, les joueurs de Rang 1 devraient jouer la plupart de leur partie uniquement contre des joueurs situés entre le Rang 1 et le Rang 4.

De plus, les développeurs en ont profité pour résoudre un bug qui pouvait (rarement) placer un joueur Rang 1 avec un joueur ayant un rang beaucoup plus faible (NDLR : ils ne précisent pas combien mais nous avons vu des screenshots de Rang 1 avec des Rang 30 dans leur équipe).

Voici le message posté par Spyrian sur les forums US en attendant d’avoir une version Française :

Message de Spyrian sur les forums US (Source)

We just released a two-part improvement for the Heroes of the Storm matchmaker that will help players near the top of the ranking system find competitive matches against other top players more consistently. Thanks in large part to player reports, we discovered an edge-case scenario in which those with very high matchmaking ratings could be matched with one or more lower-ranked players, and the first part of today’s change greatly limits the likelihood that this will occur in the future.

The other half of our improvement today adds a new rule to ranked matchmaking that’s intended to tighten up the range of skill that Rank 1 players can be matched with and against. With this rule, Rank 1 players will now be more consistently matched with and against others between Ranks 1 – 4.

As with many of our matchmaking restrictions, please keep in mind that this new rule can be relaxed under certain conditions. For example, it’s still possible that Rank 1 players will occasionally see allies and opponents between Ranks 5 – 7 in their games and, in rare cases, may even be matched with or against Rank 8+ players. However, situations like these should be infrequent after today’s update.

Rank 1 players – We’re eager to hear from you, so hop into Hero League and let us know how your matches feel after today’s change. As always, we’d like to thank everyone who continues to provide constructive feedback for the new matchmaking system. We’re still closely monitoring the matchmaker internally, and working hard to roll out additional improvements in future patches.

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