
Von  13/04/20181300


Kreuzritter der Zakarum


Basic Johanna build.  SubdueSubdue  at 7 can be hard to complete against a lot of comps, but the base talent is strong CC,  Blessed MomentumBlessed Momentum  can be taken as an alternative. Ults at 10 depend on comps.  Blessed ShieldBlessed Shield  offers good CC/interrupt, but is skillshot based.  Falling SwordFalling Sword   offers a good engage/slight CC, but also the option to use as an escape. At 13  Holy FuryHoly Fury  most picked, but can take  RoarRoar  if you can get good value out of it.  Unbekanntes Talent [Imposing Presence]*   is another choice at 16 vs heavy AA.

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