L’éternel conflit prendra fin le 8 septembre


 | 03  Sept. 15  à 00:57


La fin de l’événement Diablo : l’éternel conflit approche à grand pas. A partir du 8 septembre (probablement le 9 en Europe) vous ne verrez plus de Gobelins en début de partie et vous ne pourrez donc plus compléter ni la quête journalière ni la quête qui consiste à tuer 50 Gobelins pour débloquer un portrait unique. De plus, si vous possédez le jeu Diablo 3, vous ne pourrez plus obtenir le héros Diablo gratuitement (il faut vous connecter à Heroes of the Storm avant cette date).

La monture Gobelin quant à elle, restera disponible pour une durée indéterminée ainsi que le Destrier de Malthael.

Message de Spyrian sur les forums US

The time has come for the endless struggle between the High Heavens and the Burning Hells to return to the world of Sanctuary. The portals that brought the Eternal Conflict to the Nexus a few months ago will be sealed next week, and several promotions will also come to an end at that time.

Eternal Conflict Promotions Ending on September 8:

Diablo Hero for Diablo III Players

  • On September 8, Diablo III and Diablo III: Reaper of Souls players will no longer automatically receive Diablo (the hero) for free upon logging into Heroes of the Storm. However, if you unlock Diablo through this promotion before it ends, then the Lord of Terror is yours to keep!

Special Event Quests

  • The Treasure Goblins that invaded the Nexus with the arrival of the Eternal Conflict have nearly been exterminated, and we expect they will be completely wiped out by Tuesday, September 8.
  • After this date, you will no longer receive the Special Event Quests “Kill a Treasure Goblin” or “Kill 50 Treasure Goblins,” and will no longer earn the rewards they offer. This includes the Treasure Goblin Portrait, so you’ve still got a few days left to reach 50 Goblin kills.

Some of the promotions mentioned in this blog will stick around after the Eternal Conflict leaves the Nexus, and currently have no planned end date. This includes the portrait border and pennant awarded to Diablo III players who achieve player level 12 or higher in Heroes of the Storm, as well as Malthael’s Phantom mount, which can be unlocked in Heroes of the Storm by reaching level 70 with a Seasonal character in Diablo III.

Our latest Battlegrounds -Battlefield of Eternity and Infernal Shrines- are here to stay after the Eternal Conflcit leaves the Nexus. Additionally, the Treasure Goblin Mount will remain available for purchase from the in-game Shop until late October.

We hope that our Eternal Conflict event has been a heavenly experience for you. We’ve got lots of exciting things in store for the weeks and months that lie ahead, so be sure to stay tuned to the official Heroes website for more news and announcements from the Nexus.

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