Planning AMA 2019


 | 04  März 19  à 00:27

Comme annoncé début février par Kaeo Miller, des séances AMA (“Ask Me Anything”) se tiendront sur reddit pour informer les joueurs sur les évolutions à venir. Le community manager Dylan Bates (un survivant !) a détaillé les dates, organisées en 3 différents thèmes :

  • Mercredi 6 mars 10–12 PST – Parties classées, Équilibrage et Matchmaking
  • Jeudi 4 april 10–12 PST – Art et Design
  • Jeudi 9 Mai 10–12 PST – Design Héros

En heure de Paris cela donne 19-21h (CET). Ne manquez pas la séance ce mercredi !

Par ailleurs de nombreux joueurs se sont plaints de la performance de l’AI qui s’est nettement dégradée. Les développeurs en sont conscients mais n’ont malheureusement pas pu sortir les correctifs comme ils l’avaient prévu. Il faudra patienter un peu.

Dylan Bates (Community Manager)Forum US

Hello Heroes!

In our previous post, we mentioned a series of upcoming Reddit AMAs with the first one starting in February. Since we would like our first Reddit AMA to be focused on Balance and Matchmaking and our Lead Balance Designer is currently on vacation, we’d like to push this AMA to next week. Here’s a look at our upcoming Reddit AMAs:

Wednesday March 6th 10:00 am – 12 noon PST – Ranked Play, Balance, and Matchmaking AMA
Thursday April 4th 10:00 am – 12 noon PST – Art and Design AMA
Thursday May 9th 10:00 am – 12 noon PST – Hero Design AMA
We will be posting the threads a day in advance to gather questions ahead of the AMA, so keep an eye out and have your questions ready!

Additionally, we have seen the concerns about the impact some recent changes have had on the state of the Heroes AI. Our goal was to make some improvements, but as with many things in game development, things don’t necessarily go as planned. We apologize for the trouble and are working on hotfixes to repair the AI while keeping as many of our original improvements as possible. We are going to continue iterating on ways to improve AI, but we’ll provide updates when we have more information to share.

As always, keep your feedback coming and we look forward to discussing Balance and Matchmaking with you in our AMA next week!


The Heroes of the Storm Team

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