Anduin Default

Par  10/05/202315800


Roi de Hurlevent


Level 10

LightbombLightbomb generally provides an extremely strong threat in teamfights, and should be the default.

Holy Word: SalvationHoly Word: Salvation should be considered when there's no good carriers for LightbombLightbomb on the team and the opponent has some fairly predictable, high AoE damage, but don't have a good interrupt for Holy Word: SalvationHoly Word: Salvation . This makes the talent exceptionally niche.

Level 16

RenewRenew increases healing throughput by a good amount. Note that Divine StarDivine Star will also increase the duration if it triggered the basic attacks from Moral CompassMoral Compass .

Glyph of FaithGlyph of Faith should be taken if the opponent is forcing the pull consistently and their threats are on a shorter cooldown than 70s.

Level 20

Varian's LegacyVarian's Legacy provides a strong amount of raw stats, and synergizes with the rest of the talent.

Inner FireInner Fire provides a very strong amount of defenses and makes it easier to deliver LightbombLightbomb . This should be considered if the LightbombLightbomb carrier is struggling to reliably deliver the stun.

Holy Word: SalvationHoly Word: Salvation provides invulnerability to everyone in the AoE except Anduin, which can be extremely strong, but if there's any remotely reliable interrupts on the enemy team it should be avoided.

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