L’expérience restera sur l’écran des stats !


 | 13  nov. 15  à 20:33


C’est officiel, Blizzard a écouté les feedbacks des joueurs et a donc décidé de laisser l’expérience dans l’écran des stats ! Nous aurons donc dès le prochain patch, un nouvel écran de stats avec les kills et les assists tout en gardant les stats que l’on avait déjà.

Pour ce qui est du kill/assist, Blizzard a confirmé qu’ils surveilleraient l’impact que cela aura sur le jeu mais le but est de donner plus de contribution aux Assassins.

Voici le message publié sur les forums américains :

Message de Spyrian sur les forums Américains
We recently previewed a few changes for Score Screens at BlizzCon this year, which proposed splitting the Takedown column into Kills and Assists, as well as removing the XP Contribution column entirely. Just a few days have passed since our latest Public Test Realm update brought these changes to your playtests, and we’ve already seen quite a bit of community discussion and feedback for the new Score Screen.

While we feel that adding a Kills column to the Score Screen is a way to further acknowledge solid Assassin play and individual combat skill, we also recognize that XP Contribution is a very important stat to a lot of our players. That said, we’re happy to inform you that the XP Contribution stat will remain on Score Screens with the arrival of our next patch.

Click here to check out a mock-up of the changes to the Score Screen coming with our next major patch.

Thank you to everyone who continues to share their constructive feedback with us. Your discussions, podcasts, tweets, and more are very helpful as we work to make Heroes the best game it can be. Keep sending your thoughts our way, and good luck in the Nexus!


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