Nouveautés vues à la Gamescom’17


 | 22  août 17  à 20:04

Durant la Gamescom’17 et en plus de l’arrivée de Kel’Thuzad (talents, capacités et modèles, vidéo), de nombreuses nouveautés ont fait leur apparition. Une liste a été recensée sur reddit et en attendant le patch notes officiel nous reprendrons ici l’essentiel, avec du très lourd du côté des reworks !


  • Rework Lt. Morales qui voit tout bonnement sa mana disparaître !! Lt. Morales aura 100 points d’énergie. Après 3 secondes sans avoir utilisé son soin (A), elle regénère 6 points d’énergie par seconde. Utiliser le soin (A) consomme l’énergie à un taux de 6 points par seconde.
  • Rework Jaina avec le bloc de glace (auparavant niveau 20) à présent en récompense dans son trait après avoir infligé 15.000 points de dégâts critiques (liés à son trait) ! Beaucoup d’autres changements sur les talents.
  • Rework Chromie dont la quête sur sa capacité Souffle de Sable (A) fera partie du kit de base. Nombreux changements sur les talents.
  • Rework Léoric. Nombreux changements sur les talents.
  • Equilibrages pour Auriel, Le Boucher, Garrosh, Lucio. Des rumeurs concernant Tyrael.


La progression des quêtes est maintenant affichée plus clairement dans une colonne à part :

(image de mauvaise qualité – provient d’une vidéo)

Les « kill feed » affichent les portraits en cercle, l’achèvement des quêtes et les quêtes adverses interrompues.


Des modèles « Dreadlord Jaina » et « Post Theramore Jaina » font leur apparition.


Il y aura une quête liée à Kel’Thuzad : jouer 1 partie (par jour ?) avec Kel’Thuzad. Nous ne connaissons pas encore la récompense.


Voici le post de référence sur reddit recensant les changements :

MEGATHREAD: GamesCom ’17 Heroes of the Storm Changes[reddit]

Event Quest!

Information not complete Play 1 game with Kel’thuzad present in the game in Vs AI, QM, UD, HL. Reward: Portrait? /u/PheonyXtreme




« Finally, the Call of Kel’Thuzad event will bring with it a bunch of new sprays and icons, as well as a banner of Naxxramas. You earn them through daily quests, requiring kills by either team in any game with Kel’Thuzad…  »

Naxxramas Banner: /u/zaze41


Kel’thuzad Announcer Pack! (MFPallyTime)

Jaina Announcer Pack! (Kendric)

#User Interface!

Talent Screen

  • Scoreboard now shows quest progress for baseline quests (Kel’thuzad; Nazeebo; The Butcher, to name a few): Courtesy of /u/zaze41 from the MFPallyTime stream.

  • Kill feed shows portraits in circles now.

  • Kill feed now also shows quest completion!

  • Kill feed now also shows denied stacking quests (Convection, Untouchable, Wizened Duelist, …)

  • Special Icon in Death Timer (party frame) for KT resurrect (unconfirmed for Uther; Malthael) /u/Ultrajante

Hero #Changes

#Small changes to current heroes

Farmed from the Blizz website by /u/Homicidal_HotS:

Including Auriel, The Butcher, Uther, Garrosh, Lucio.

Updated visual effects for Nazeebo’s Corpse Spiders and Morales’ Grenade


  • Baseline Q quest, per hit, permanent +5 damage. On 80 hits, Past and Future Me becomes active. (where you shoot a lower damage Q from past position)

  • Q damage reduced to roughly 60% (/u/m05513)

  • Has a stack counter (how many Qs hit in a row), which adds a bonus stack to the damage stack. (so the consecutive ones gives +10 instead of +5)

  • Level 1 talents: Q quest removed; Hitting 3 Q in a row, they give triple bonus damage increase.

  • Level 4 talents: Q pierce removed. New E talent: When Time Trap is activated, reset Q and W cooldowns.

  • Level 13 talents: Reaching Through Time (Range) Removed. 30s CD activated: Swap location with Sand Clone (Q baseline quest). Steph mentions that you can B back to base and get full health/mana, and instant teleport back to the battlefield

  • Level 20 talents: Piercing Sands (Infinite through heroes, but no quest procs for pierces), Temporal Loop upgrade « after finishing, cast agaain immediatly ».

Source: /u/StephOddish/


  • Blizzard CD Reduced from 15 to 14.

  • Ice Block Baseline: Upon dealing 15.000 critical damage (trait), gain Ice Block. 40s CD

  • Level 1: Deep Chill removed. New Globe Quest: Fingers of Frost *(+.1 mana regen per globe, up to 20 stacks, at 20, increase damage bonus from trait by 10%)

  • Level 7 talents: Frostbitten Removed. Icefury Wand (AA’s deal 75% Bonus Damage to Chilled Targets). Reduced Blizzard CD by 1 second per AA.

  • Level 10 talents: Water Elemental Mana and CD from 75 to 60, and 80 to 60 respectively.

  • Level 20 Talents: Bolt of the Storm (Ice Blink) + AOE Chill application (Probably like Psionic Shift for Kerrigan). Deep Chill (slow stacks). Ring of Frost upgrade reduces CD by 10s per hero hit by the center explosion.


Battlenet Description:

Full talent list (/u/Spazzo965):

Gameplay Video:


  • Q CD up to 14, half the CD and mana refunded when hitting a hero (/u/Homicidal_HotS)

  • W baseline absorbs 20% health (down from 25%)

  • Every first and second auto attack cleave, the third hits for double damage without cleave. This matches Leoric’s AA animation!

  • Level 1 talents: Healing Tier Consume Vitality (Q CDR of 2 seconds, heal for 4% max health per enemy hero hit). Fealty Unto Death (Gain Health/Mana when minions die), Ossein Renewal (Heal 20% max health over 4 seconds). No Block!

  • Level 4 talents: Swing Tier Ghastly Reach (Range), Paralyzing Rage (Slow), Kneel, Peasants (75% increase Q PvE damage)

  • Level 7 talents: Spooky Hand Tier Willing Vessel (increased healing by 5%, and an additional 5% for fuill duration), Drain Momentum (upon completion, gain +30% movespeed for 4 seconds) Hopelessness (Increased range)

  • Level 10 Entomb CD from 50 to 70, CD down from 80 to 50 (/u/Ignisami), damage per swing up from 400 to 548 (at 20) and healing up from 7% max health to 12% max health /u/m05513.

  • Level 13 talents: Unyielding despair (W CDR), Hardened Bones (Gain Armor during W and 3 seconds thereafter) Ominous Wraith (E duration +100. Wraithing through enemy heroes reduces their damage by 50% for 4 seconds insaneee)

  • Level 16 talents: Royal Focus (next Q deals +50% damage. Hitting heroes reduces CD of E by 7 seconds). Crushing Hope (if W lasts full duration, deal 15% max health damage to target. Does not heal). Mithril Mace (increases attack speed 20% + 3% per 10 minion kills or 1 hero kill, capping at 50% total)

  • Level 20 talents: 5 talents on the Storm Tier Burning Despair deals 175% damage of Burning Rage. AOE and damage double whe W is active. Spectral Leech deals 2.5 max HP damage, heals leoric for double. Entomb now silences caught heroes. Activatable replacement for Hardened Shield: Shroud of the Dead King (Gain Protected for 3 seconds).

Noteworthy The first tiers all affect the same.

#LT. Morales

  • Mana removed. Morales has 100 energy, after 3 seconds of not using q, morales will regenerate 6 energy per second, using q depletes energy at a rate of 6 per second. /u/amitlevi45

  • Healing (Q) now works with a rapidly depleting and regenerating energy bar.

  • Safeguard and Grenade are CD based.

  • Baseline: Caduceus Reactor (Trait) returns 2% max health/second to Morales when channeling Q.

  • Level 1 talents: Life Support (Each time W reduces damage, gain 2 energy (cap at 20)). Caduceus Feedback (AAs gain 1 energy, + 4 against heroes)

  • Level 7 talents: Cleanse Removed. Vanadium Plating (+25 armor on W, being stunned extends duration on W). Physical Therapy (W removes all slows from target. If W removes a slow, 4s CDR).

  • Level 13 talents: Second Opinion (if Grenade hits at least 2 heroes, cooldown set to 1s) EMP Grenade (deals 666 damage (lv 13) to shields, and additional 67 over 2 seconds).

  • Level 16 talents: Extended Care (Q range increased 40%), First Responder (Q healing +25% if above 70 energy), Shield Sequencer (W gains 2nd charge)

  • Level 20 Upgrade that changes her passive (afaik, increases healing during Q from 2 to 6% of max health) Medivac has 2 upgrade options. One gives Protected status for 2 seconds upon exiting Medivac. The other creates a ‘check in’ point at the Hall of the Storms in case you are where your teammates aren’t. /u/Ultrajante


Some rumors regarding changes to this hero; MFPallyTime and Kendrick can’t find any of them.

Credit to /u/Spazzo965, /u/Ultrajante, /u/Homicidal_HotS, /u/m05513 and a lot of others for helping me with a these changes :)!

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