
standard E build

By  Staff  06/04/20186410


El Rey Exánime

This build is strong on

Hero counters

This build is strong against
This build is weak against


Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en English y Français.

Standard survival build, strong vs AA with  Habilidad desconocida [Frozen Tempest]*   especially vs melee assassins like Illidan. The goal is to catch quickly the AA assassins in  Habilidad desconocida [Frozen Tempest]*  as it lowers their attack speed.

Lots of survival with Habilidad desconocida [Army of the Dead]*  which gives a big sustain but think also to use  Habilidad desconocida [Death Coil]*  to heal yourself. The talents Talento desconocido [Rime]*  and Talento desconocido [Icebound Fortitude]*  are quite important as Arthas doesn't have a big HP pool.

About the author

HerrVigg Staff
Herr Vigg est un gros noob qui aime bien feeder. Accessoirement il est aussi l'overmind de Psionic Storm.

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