
Par  13/04/20182500


Chef de guerre de la Horde


Crash LightningCrash Lightning  at 1 for the 4man,  Echo of the ElementsEcho of the Elements  for solo lane.  Ancestral WrathAncestral Wrath  at 7 vs high HP targets, % dmg and good self heal. Ults should be picked depending on what you think is best against enemy team comp, for burst pick   SunderingSundering  and for CC EarthquakeEarthquake . At 16  ThunderstormThunderstorm  offers good synergy with  Crash LightningCrash Lightning   but can be awkward to stack,  Alpha WolfAlpha Wolf  offers more % dmg.  Earthen ShieldsEarthen Shields  at 20 can offer team support if you need that over increased dmg.

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