Matthew Cooper nous parle de health sustain


 | 14  juin 16  à 09:43

Matthew Cooper Large

C’est dans un long message posté sur le forum de Blizzard US, que Matthew Cooper (Senior Game Designer chez Blizzard) nous parle du health sustain. Avant de commencer, Matthew indique qu’il passera de temps en temps sur les forums afin de mettre en avant les discussions que l’équipe de développement est en train d’avoir en interne. Cela nous permet d’avoir une meilleure visibilité sur les experimentations de Blizzard en interne et c’est une très bonne chose !

Qu’est ce que le health sustain ?

Pour les anglophobes, rappelons que health veut dire santé et que sustain signifie soutenir/maintenir/supporter. Dans Heroes of the Storm, le health sustain représente la capacité à se soigner et ce, grâce à toutes les sources disponibles : regen de vie, collecte des globes, utilisation de la fontaine, les talents comme Maître en récupération ou Lois de l’espoir ou encore les sorts de soins.

Matthew explique que son équipe est en train de surveiller le health sustain et qu’ils ont déjà plusieurs idées qui pourraient se concretiser prochainement.

Les globes de regen

Ils voudraient augmenter les soins/mana des globes de regen afin de donner une meilleure raison d’empêcher vos adversaires de les récolter tout en vous donnant une meilleure raison de les récolter. Blizzard est en train de tester cela en interne, avec une augmentation par globe de 12% de points de vie et 8% de mana.

Les fontaines

Concernant les fontaines, Blizzard teste actuellement l’augmentation du temps de recharge, il il passerait de 100 à 120 secondes mais augmenterait la quantité de mana reçue de 20% à 30%. L’idée est de rendre l’accès à la fontaine plus stratégique et obliger le joueur à prendre des décisions comme le retour à la base, ou jouer plus défensif selon les timers de la map.

Regen de santé passive

Concernant la regen de santé passive, l’équipe a imaginé le retrait des talents donnant des soins comme Maître en récupération ou Secourisme mais cela rendait trop pénalisant certaines situations, comme par exemple le fait de marcher sur un Nid toxique d’Abathur.

Héros Soutiens

Matthew a volontairement exclu les Soutiens de cette conversation pour éviter de dévier le sujet sur ces héros uniquement.
Voilà pour le résumé, si vous le souhaitez, vous trouverez ci-dessous le post en anglais. En espérant avoir traduit tout cela au mieux, en tout cas, je l’ai fait avec beaucoup d’amour !

Discussion on Health Sustain

Hey all,

My name is Matt and I am a member of the balance team for HOTS.

I’ll be coming to the forums occasionally to highlight different areas of the game that we are currently examining. With this, I’ll be looking to get your feedback, but also provide the community with additional insight into why we are investigating something and what the goals we are trying to accomplish are.

While I won’t be able to respond to every question or comment, please know that our team is listening to your feedback!

So, without further ado, the first topic: Health sustain.

This includes all sources of healing available including passive Health Regeneration, collection of Regeneration Globes, using a Healing Fountain, and a wide range of sustain talents such as Regeneration Master or Laws of Hope. Of course let’s not forget those pesky Support characters who can quickly top you off, or even returning to your Hall of Storms for a full heal.

Why are we looking at sustain, and what are we trying to accomplish?

Well, here are a few things:

• Poke heroes such as Chromie or Lunara can have much of their damage output invalidated by the constant uptick of health. This is partially why Chromie’s damage is tuned so insanely high, she essentially sits in burst territory.
• High sustain limits the reward of outplaying an opponent in a small skirmish fight. Your skillshots and those ‘small wins’ you get don’t ultimately matter that much unless you can get a kill.
• With the exception of a major lane bully like Zagara, it can be very difficult to decisively win a lane and force an opponent out. The reward for denying Regeneration Globes in lane also doesn’t end up meaning much.
• In team fights, high sustain can create somewhat passive skirmishes. Unless you have the burst damage to immediately destroy an enemy, most of your damage isn’t meaningful. This is partially why Burst Damage & CC are so prominent.

While the above is an oversimplification of a large system in the game, hopefully this provides some food for thought for your discussion.

Ultimately, we’ve experimented and discussed this internally a lot. There often isn’t a ‘Silver Bullet’ in design, and this area is no exception. There isn’t even necessarily a consensus amongst the design group of if this is even a problem or what the right solve may be.

With that all in mind, here is where we are currently leaning:

Regeneration Globes: We’re actually looking to tune these up, while also cleaning up the math on these a bit. The hope is that denying opponents access to Regeneration Globes while securing your own ends up being a more meaningful event. The math on these in the live game is awkward right now, but it works out to be roughly 6.2% of your max health and 32 mana. We’ve been playtesting with a change that increases this to 12% of your max health and 8% of your max mana.
Healing Fountains: We wanted to make using your Healing Fountain a bigger moment. A crazy first idea we had was to increase the CD on these from 100s -> 300s (and buffed accordingly). With such a long CD, it would become a huge moment and extremely deliberate of when to use a Healing Fountain. After much testing we are leaning towards a smaller change though. We’ve been playing with increasing CD from 100 -> 120s which feels meaningful but familiar. There are additional moments where that added 20s is enough to force you back to the Hall of Storms. We’ve also increased the mana provided from 20% -> 30% but kept the health the same. This ends up being an overall reduction in the HPS that these can provide.
Passive Health Regeneration: While we’ve tested quite a few variations here, one interesting test we did was simply turning off Passive Health Regeneration and not allowing players to pick any sustain talents like Regeneration Master or First Aid. This change meant that taking damage from an Abathur Mine or a Tyrande Owl was now ‘permanent’. You had to take some sort of action to remove this lost health instead of getting it back for ‘free’ over time. This change was pretty heavily contested internally so it’s not something we’re currently planning on shipping but it’s potentially something we will explore more in the future. I’m really curious what you guys think about this idea.
Support Characters: While I think we can all agree that Support heroes are a huge part of sustain, I wanted to exclude them from this initial conversation as I feel that this will overpower the discussion. Know that we are looking at Supports though, and hopefully that can be a future thread.

Please share any thoughts you have on the content above! I look forward to reading your discussions! 🙂

Mise à jour du 17 juin 2016

La discussion sur les forums a suscité beaucoup d’intérêt de la part des joueurs et Matthew Cooper revient donc vers nous avec plusieurs détails concernant l’avancement :

Les globes de regen

L’idée des globes semble convaincre la majorité des joueurs. En interne, les tests sont satisfaisant avec une augmentation par globe de 12% de points de vie et 8% de mana mais ils sont désormais en train d’experimenter un spawn des globes plus court. Ils espèrent pouvoir finaliser ces tests afin de pouvoir les ajouter dans un prochain patch.

Ils sont aussi en train de discuter de plusieurs autres idées associées aux globes comme par exemple donner de l’experience, des stats ou autre.

Les fontaines

La plupart des joueurs semblent d’accord sur le fait que les fontaines fonctionnent plutôt bien, mais un petit changement pourrait faire du bien. Ils vont continuer à tester leur changement concernant l’augmentation du temps de recharge et de mana.

Regen de santé passive

Ils ne vont faire AUCUN changement concernant la regen passive ou les talents de regen. Ils ont reçu énormément de feedbacks et ils sont d’accord dans l’ensemble.

Héros Soutiens

ils sont conscients sur le fait qu’une discussion entièrement dédiée aux héros de soutiens devra avoir lieu à un moment. Matthew va en discuter avec l’équipe de design et nous faire un retour prochainement.

Partie rapide

Concernant le mode partie rapide, ils sont d’accord sur le fait de devoir penser à ce mode puisqu’il n’est pas rare d’avoir une ou deux équipes sans soutiens mais ils pensent que leur modification sur les globes de regen devrait aider un peu lors de la capture d’objectifs (comme les Immortels par exemple)

Voici la réponse en anglais de Matthew Cooper :

Discussion on Health Sustain – Message #224

Thank you all very much for all the feedback.

There has been a ton of debate and theory crafting about our proposed changes, but also a ton of unique, fun and interesting suggestions and counterpoints. While I encourage you all to continue posting about this topic, I think we’ve got what we we’re looking for with this thread. We’ll continue to keep an eye out for more feedback.

Here is a rough summary of where the design team is at, after accounting all the feedback:

Regeneration Globes:

  • The majority of players liked the suggestion of making these more meaningful. Internally we have been enjoying our 12/8 testing on these and have just started experimenting with making these globes time out quicker. We’ll continue testing this but we hope to push out something in the future for you guys to play with.
  • We’re still discussing the numerous other ideas associated with Globes such as giving them an XP component, granting stats, or something else.

Healing Fountains:

  • It seems the general consensus is that these are working pretty well as is, but a small change here might be good. We will keep exploring our slight change that has increased the CD and mana return slightly. Overall, we’re pretty happy with this change, and we agree we don’t need to do anything too drastic here.

Passive Regeneration & Sustain Talents:

  • We will NOT be making changes to passive regeneration or regeneration talents as a whole. There was a ton of feedback here and overall we agree. This was mostly an experiment on our part, but it was great to see all of your reasons for and against these changes (mostly against).

Support Characters:

  • Agree there needs to be a discussion focused on Support characters at some point. I will sync up with the rest of the design team to gather our thoughts and see where we stand on supports. Expect a new thread about this in the future.

Quick Match:

  • Agree that we need to be conscious of how QM games play with these changes, especially those without supports. The 12/8 globes may help here though, as completing a map event (i.e. Immortals) will replenish some additional resources now.

Thank you for the responses! It’s great to see such passionate, well thought out, discussions from the community.

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