
King of Stormwind

As a young man, Anduin sought peace as a priest of the Holy Light and an envoy of the Alliance. After his father, Varian, fell to the Burning Legion, Anduin took up the crown as High King of the Alliance. He soon learned that peace must be fought for, even in the Nexus.

Release date: 2019-04-30 youtube


- Level 0 +
  • Health points: - (+-% per lev )

  • Regen: - (+-% per lev )


  • Mana: - (+10% per lev )

  • Regen: - (+0.1% per lev )

  • Damage per attack: - (+-% per lev )

  • Attack speed: - (per sec)


  • Dps: -

  • Attack range: -

Basic Abilities

  • Flash Heal

    Flash Heal (Q)

    Mana: 20 Cooldown:  5s

    Cast for 0.75 seconds to heal an allied Hero for 280.

  • Divine Star

    Divine Star (W)

    Mana: 50 Cooldown:  10s

    Send light that deals 140 damage to enemies and then returns to Anduin, healing allied Heroes for 130 in a wider path. Healing increases by 25% per enemy Hero hit.

  • Chastise

    Chastise (E)

    Mana: 40 Cooldown:  9s

    Shove a swell of light forward, dealing 175 damage to the first enemy Hero hit and Rooting them for 1.25 seconds.

Heroic Abilities

  • Holy Word: Salvation

    Holy Word: Salvation (R)

    Mana: 70 Cooldown:  80s

    After 0.5 seconds, Channel to invoke the Light for 3 seconds. While nearby, allied Heroes heal for up to 30% of their max Health and are Protected.

  • Lightbomb

    Lightbomb (R)

    Mana: 70 Cooldown:  60s

    Imbue an allied Hero with the Light. After 1.5 seconds, it explodes, dealing 150 damage to enemies and Stunning them for 1.25 seconds.

    The target gains a Shield that absorbs 165 damage per enemy Hero hit. Lasts for 5 seconds.


  • Leap of Faith

    Leap of Faith (T)

    Cooldown:  70s

    Faith instantly pulls an allied Hero to Anduin's location, granting them Unstoppable while they travel.

    Pursued By Grace

    Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes heal the lowest Health allied Hero near Anduin for 32.


  • King of Stormwind

    King of Stormwind