Sortie des Sanctuaires infernaux aujourd’hui


 | 26  ago 15  à 09:32


C’est aujourd’hui que sortira le nouveau champ de bataille : Les sanctuaires infernaux. Tout comme pour la sortie des champs de l’éternité, la rotation des maps sera restreinte. Voici les maps sur lesquelles vous pourrez jouer cette semaine :


Message de Spyrian sur les forums US

Hello everyone,

We’re planning to make our newest Battleground, Infernal Shrines, available for play in all game modes starting on Wednesday, August 26. At that time, we’re also going to temporarily reduce the size of our normal Battleground pool for one week in order to increase the chances that you’ll be able to play on Infernal Shrines when you queue for matchmaking. The six Battlegrounds we’ve selected for this rotation are listed below.

Battleground Rotation: August 26 – September 2

  • Infernal Shrines
  • Battlefield of Eternity
  • Cursed Hollow
  • Dragon Shire
  • Sky Temple
  • Tomb of the Spider Queen

While Blackheart’s Bay, Haunted Mines, and Garden of Terror will not be available in matchmaking game modes during this time, you can still play on them using Custom Games. We’ll let you know once Infernal Shrines and the temporary Battleground Rotation have been enabled.

Thank you!

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