The Destroyer

Release date: 2019-12-03
Health points: - (+-% per lev )
Regen: - (+-% per lev )
Mana: - (+10% per lev )
Regen: - (+0.1% per lev )
Damage per attack: - (+-% per lev )
Attack speed: - (per sec)
Dps: -
Attack range: -
Basic Abilities
Molten Flame (Q)
Cooldown: 3s
After 1.5 seconds, Deathwing breathes a stream of flame, dealing 21 damage every 0.125 seconds. Drains 30 Energy per second.
Incinerate (W)
Mana: 20 Cooldown: 4s
After 0.75 seconds, Deathwing flaps his wings, dealing 65 damage to nearby enemies.
World Breaker: Lava Burst
Create a lava pool that damages and Slows -
Onslaught (E)
Mana: 20 Cooldown: 5s
After 0.5 seconds, Deathwing lunges in a direction dealing 38 damage to enemies and Slowing them by 35% for 2 seconds. Deathwing bites enemies at the end of the lunge, dealing an additional 72 damage.
World Breaker: Earth Shatter
Damage and Stun enemies in two lines
Heroic Abilities
Cataclysm (R)
Cooldown: 90s
After 2 seconds, Deathwing flies in the targeted direction, dealing 90 damage on impact and leaving scorched ground that deals 36 damage a second. Lasts 6 seconds.
Aspect of Death (T)
Cooldown: 20s
Deathwing is fitted with 4 Armor Plates which grant 10 Armor each. Every 25% Health lost causes Deathwing to lose a plate. Plates are only restored when Dragonflight is used, based on the amount of Health Deathwing has when landing.
Deathwing is also a mighty Dragon Aspect who is permanently Unstoppable and deals 100% additional Spell Damage to Heroes, but views his allies with contempt and ignores any of their friendly effects.